Ensenmble Theory

Stardustor Lv2

Macrostate & Microstate

  • Ensemble: a collection of systems with all possible microstate that are consistent with macrostate.
  • Different choices of macro different statistical ensemble:
    1. isolated system: Microcanomical Ensemble
    2. allow energy exchange: Canomical Ensemble
    3. allow energy & particle exchange: Grand Canomical Ensemble

Description of microstates

  1. Classical system of N particles: spans a -dimensional phase space.
  2. Quantum system: (-particle wave function)
  3. Classical systems of discrete variables: label as (e.g. Ising magnet)

Consider a collection of microstates

  • Infinitesmall volumn element: , quantities of representative points in :
  • So we can define the density of representative points:
  • Observable is the ensemble average: $ =\int O(p,q)\rho(p,q,t) , d\Gamma$
  • Equalbrium:


  • , Equation of motion:

  • Continuity equaltion:
    Extended: $$\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}+\sum_{i=1}^{3N}\left[ \rho\left( \frac{\partial \dot{q}{i}}{\partial q{i}}+\frac{\partial \dot{p}{i}}{\partial p{i}} \right) + \dot{q}{i}\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial q{i}}+ \dot{p}{i}\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial p{i}}\right]=\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}+\sum_{i=1}^{3N}\left[ \dot{q}{i}\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial q{i}}+ \dot{p}{i}\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial p{i}}\right]=\frac{d\rho}{dt}=0\frac{\partial \dot{q}{i}}{\partial q{i}}+\frac{\partial \dot{p}{i}}{\partial p{i}} =\frac{\partial }{\partial q_{i}}\left( \frac{\partial H}{\partial p_{i}} \right)-\frac{\partial }{\partial p_{i}}\left( \frac{\partial H}{\partial q_{i}} \right)=0$$

Liouville’s Theorem: Under Hamiltoriun dynamics, density is a constant along the flow.

Microcanomical Ensemble

  • Microstate={all representive points lacated on a constant E hypersurface}

Assumption of equal a priori probability: =total number of microstates

  • e.g. Ideal Gas:

Surface Area:
Solid Angle:

  • Consider:

  • Saddle point integration

    expand near :

Sterling’s approximation
An approximation for ,
in that So we can makeor

  • Consider a isolated systems, . Total number of microstates $$\Omega(E)=\int dE_{1}\Omega_{1}(E_{1}){}\Omega_{2}(E-E_{1}) , \approx \Omega_{1}(E^{}{1})\Omega{2}(E-E^{}{1}),E{1}^{*}\text{ maximize }\Omega_{1}\Omega{2}\frac{d\Omega_{1}}{dE_{1}}\Omega_{2}- \frac{d\Omega_{2}}{dE_{2}}\Omega_{2}=0\frac{d\ln\Omega_{1}}{dE_{1}}=\frac{d\ln \Omega_{2}}{dE_{2}}\frac{\partial S}{\partial E}=\frac{1}{T}S(E,V,N)=k_{B}\ln \Omega(E,V,N)$$

  • For ideal Gas:

    but it‘s not a extensivity.
    Mixing Entropy: Two distinct gases, remove partition, gases mix

    But for two same gases of the same density: Gibbs Paradox

    • Macroscopically: nothing happened()
    • Microscopically: the actual paticles changed
    • Realism: particles are identical.
    • Now is a extensivity.
    • Phase space for indentical particles:
      Properties of ideal gas from M.E.

      : thermal de Broglie wavelength.
      When , for Classical ideal gas.
      Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution:

      possibility of a particle being :

  • Ising magnet:
    of microstates :
    : , :
    so :

Justifiction of ensemble average

  • Standard textbook argument:

    1. observable
    2. timescale of microscopic motion. So .

      Ergodic Hypothesis: , system visits every region in phase space, time spent in each region volume of the region. So $=\int O(p,q)\rho(p,q) , d\Gamma$

  • Caution:

    1. Proceed only for few-body or single-body systems.
    2. Timescale . Irrelevant for any realistic physical system.
    3. Time-average
    4. Ergodicity comes in a levels. e.g. Mixing

Canomical Ensemble

Macrostate , allow energy exchange.

Total energy of 1+2 fixed M.E

  • Probability of system1 in a particular state (quantum state), with energy :
    total n of microstates for 1+2:

    And , Expand around :

  • Probability of system1 having energy :

    : numbers of microstate with energy E.
    Barely used for calculation in practice.
  • Phyical meaning of Z:

    in which minimize .
    • Suggest
    • Thermodynamic Quantities:
      1. $$=\sum_n E_nP(E_n)=\frac{1}{Z}\sum_n E_ne^{-\beta E_n}=\frac{1}{Z}\left( -\frac{\partial }{\partial \beta} \right)\sum_n e^{-\beta E_n}=-\frac{\partial }{\partial \beta}\ln Z$$

      2. (Using the differential of )()

      3. e.g. Information entropy

Grand Canomical Ensemble

  1. Microstate () allow for both energy and particle exchange.
    Consider the system contact with a bath:

    total number of microstates:

    Expand :


    Grand partition function:

    Define fugacity:


    Grand potential:
  2. Thermodynamic function
    $$E=-\left( \frac{\partial }{\partial \beta}\ln Q \right){z}\quad N=\left( \frac{\partial }{\partial (\beta \mu)}\ln Q \right){\beta}d\Psi=-SdT-pdV-Nd\mu$$